Feature requests
Submit IdeaG Suite Integration
It would be great to have access to Peoplebox inside G Suite. In particular, in Gmail and Calendar. In Gmail it would be great to have when viewing the mail feed a sidebar button giving general access to Peoplebox, and when viewing an email thread to have contextual access to agendas and notes for people involved the thread. Bonus points in now or in the future we can quickly add emails as attachments to a meeting agenda, OKR, or feedback. For Google Calendar, it would be good to see a label on any events that have been pulled into Peoplebox, with a link within the event pointing to the Peoplebox meeting agenda, and a means to create a 1-on-1 agenda to Peoplebox directly from an existing event if needed.
Brandon M3
Add an Accountability Chart
Helps everyone know who is accountable for what specific roles/tasks in an organization.
Google Meet
Integrate display of Peoplebox within Google Meet. Use case 1:1: Both participants have Google Chrome extension installed. (see example with Slido at https://community.sli.do/use-slido-with-video-conferencing-tools-66/use-slido-with-google-meet-private-beta-559 )
David R0
Public API
Public API
Chrome Extension
It'd be handy to have access to Peoplebox OKRs and 1-on-1 agendas directly from an extension in Chrome.
Brandon M0
Ability to add a webhook to trigger when someone reaches their goal, scores a specific score, or selects a specific answer, etc. There are many other use cases, but the additional trigger could be used to send out a text message or provide an additional notification for certain events which would be extremely helpful and prevent getting missed.
Matt M0
Share 1:1 notes with another manager/ admin
Ability to share 1:1 notes and history with another manager/ admin
Abhi C0
Multi-language Support
Multi-language Support
Integrate with Zoom
Integrate with zoom to quickly initiate the meetings and do coffee connect within zoom messenger
Selle E0
Integrate with Clickup
Integrating Peoplebox with Clickup to exchange the data
Abhi C0
Dedicated user profile page with personalized reports, analytics, and insights.
Bulk Invitation of Employees
Bulk Invitation of Employees
Ability to humanise (change) date format
from yyyy-mm-dd to dd-mm-yyyy
Anders P0
Ability for survey completion on web interface
Ability for an employee to find and complete any invited surveys when they login to their Peoplebox account.
Anders P0
Bulk Update Employee Information
Bulk Update information like manager, department etc.