Release Performance reviews packets from admin panel

🏆 Performance Reviews

Releasing performance reviews i.e sending the review packets(PDFs) to reviewees on email and slack marks the end of a performance review cycle. Currently on Peoplebox only Managers of reviewees can release a review . But we have received multiple requests where review admins want to do that.

We are happy to announce that now review admins will also be able to release reviews for the reviewees.


How it works ?

  1. Release review will be a phase like other phases of performance review (write reviews, manager summary, peer selection etc)
  2. Once manager summary(review) and calibrations are complete the review admin can launch the release review phase
  3. The email message can be customized as well similar to other phases
  4. Similar to other phases , review admin can launch the release review for one or more reviewees. Also the launch can be scheduled for future as well . We also provide filters that can help you quickly select reviewees
  5. On releasing review , reviewees will receive an email or slack notification depending on the channel it is released on
  6. Useful tip 💡 Please release reviews in batches i.e first release it for few reviewees to ensure the review packets are showing the data you intend to share with the employees. Then launch for all the reviewees.


Release review of reviewees



Please try the feature out and let our customer success team know in case of any issue. We would be more than happy to hear from you.